May 22, 2018


It's pretty apparent that there isn't much info online re the Coffs mines after I hid my posts, pics and maps and thats been for a couple of reasons. But to be honest it has taken nearly 20 years to find, explore and gather all the info I have. I have done my best to preserve, share and generally look after our heritage here on the Coffs coast. We are out most weekends finding old areas, cleaning scrup, clearing - generally the lantana as there seems to be no care factor with our history here in Coffs. We've found boilers, a stamper, loads of shovel heads, assorted metal, drill bits, tanks and more. It is a shame these things cant be located to out museum in town. Seems all they care about is our 'wonderful' jetty. But you know what, if it wasn't for our goldfields - places like the Orara Valley, Nana Glen, Coramba would not of flourished like they did. So much history in the Coffs hinterland but all being dismissed and forgotten. It would a total shame for our kids not to know exactly what when on.

If your after any info please don't hesitate to email, call or check out my FB or Instagram page.


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